My Christmas 2014

sooooo how was your christmas? before i talk way too much about myself make sure you comment below bc i’d love to hear how they went!!! yeah so my christmas was amazing, here is everything we did:


1. made each of my family members a rice hand warmer! diy on that soon. 😉

2. my friend came over & took selfies we made peppermint peanut butter blossoms, you can check out the recipe here:

3. friend left > my family made cookies for santa

4. took pictures, checking santa tracker every 5 minutes

5. went to sleep (:


1. woke up, opened presents from family (only)

2. skyped friends, compared presents hehe

3. went to other relatives, opened presents, ate lunch

4. went to friend’s house, watched elf

5. went to other relatives, opened presents, ate dinner

6. went to sleep full & happy (:

check out what i got for christmas here.

merry christmas from my bubba & i


just, um, comment. yeah.