
so spring break is next week and my teachers must have been plotting because they’re basically like HEY GUESS WHAT GUYS. I HAVE BEEN LAZY THESE PAST COUPLE OF WEEKS SO WE’RE JUST GOING TO CRAM EVERYTHING IN BEFORE YOU GO.

Continue reading “whelmed”

Sisterhood of the World Blogger Award

no sarcastic title, that’d just make it too long lol

thank you so so much to sindyblue10 from her amazing blog infiinity (still url goals) for nominating me like 12309 years ago!! it means the world to me that you thought to nominate my pathetic self. sorry i’m so late. i love awards.

  • thank & link
  • answer
  • nominate 10 & question x10

Continue reading “Sisterhood of the World Blogger Award”

Tweet #30

i don’t know why i made these “tweet” posts lol just get a twitter
(i still don’t have a twitter yet here i am)

my whole life has been basically LOL YOU THOUGHT

& no, this is not the end of the spam coming your way. i have bottled up so many thoughts & emotions these past few months, i should’ve let them out a while ago. unfortunately, this means you’re getting a tsunami of random crap that will make no sense whatsoever